
Yo, world

Don't mind me

I am just trying out some stuff in this, my first post on this blog.

What's new

Well, I started this blog of course. I am really psyched about the simplicity of it and the philosophy behind it. Want to know more? Read their Modus Operandi.


In the meantime we started renovating our house. (Yeah, our timing was impeccable.) Something that was long overdue. It is nice to own your house, but unless you kick it into action yourself, no repairs or renovations will be done. There is no landlord to talk to, you'll have to start the work yourself. In our case: a new kitchen, a new batchroom, a new toilet and new flooring and stairs.

Which meant: we had to really get into our financial situation, to see where the money should/could come from. And then, when that was sorted, start the whole song and dance with suppliers and contractors, buying and planning. Right now we're about two thirds into the actual work, I would say, with the kitchen, bathroom en toilet almost done. Soon this will all be done and then the work on flooring and the fixing of the stairs can start.

It is a lot to deal with, but with the results already partly showing, it is just very rewarding to see our plans come to fruition. Just a liiiitle bit longer...

Stuff I read

These are articles I saw recently, then actually read. I tend to store a lot of them in my Pocket and then never get to them. These are the ones I did read:

BTW, after I have read them, I started to also add them to my account at Bibsonomy. So, if you want to look back at what I share here, or want to see what else I dropped there, check it out!

Stuff I watched

Videos with me trying to explain why I thought they were interesting. (< Geesh, what a great description, Twan... See what I mean by still trying things out?)